Monday, July 25, 2011

The Island of Zut…who comes up with these names???

A great 20 mile sail to the Island of Zut, part of the Kornati Island Group. The islands seem very barren, reminding me of what the moonscape looks like.  One of the legends of the Kornati is that they emerged by chance when God created the world.  He accidently dropped 140 pebbles from his pocket and when he went to pick them up he liked what he saw and said, “Let them stay, nothing needs repair here”. 

This morning we were promptly awaken by the Captain to “Pull up the anchor” as another boat had swung into our space and a collision was imminent.  As we left, we were overrun by a Thunderstorm.  At one point, we thought we had been hit by lightening as the Radar went blank and the depth meter read “0”…they eventually came back on…all’s well that ends well.  I finally got a photo of a lightening bolt (see photo #1).


We ended up on Pasman Island in the anchorage Soline.  We hooked up to our first mooring buoy.  We are now waiting for the “official” to come and collect the mooring fee and visitor’s tax.  The fee is collected irrespective of whether a mooring is used or the anchor.  Another 200 Kunas (about $40)


1 comment:

GregK said...

More great shots!