Sunday, June 13, 2010


We decided to anchor out tonight and save a few bucks. Portovenere was our background and it was stunning.  There are pastel colored buildings against the backdrop of grey from the castle.  I can’t find much information about the castle to pass on but it is a monster and the church is on the tip.  Notice the church is black and white striped marble. It was a horrible place to anchor as we rocked and rolled most of the night from ferries and local fishing boatsIMG_1301IMG_1300   IMG_1302

As we were anchored we noticed this mussel farm to the other side of us.  We are near a naval station too.  An Italian Guard boat circled us a few times this morning as John and I were hanging out in the cockpit but they left us alone…only a few stares.IMG_1303


GregK said...

Andria Doria Castle, built by the Genoese between 12th & 17th centuries. 500 years? Hummm That's what I call persistence. Not much more on it other than that so it must have had a pretty quiet history.

The Basilica of San Francesco in Sienna Italy has a similar looking black and white striped interior (the exterior was sandstone colored) and was built around the same time as the church that you saw. Perhaps it was part of the Gothic style of the time.

Great pictures!

jayseadee said...

Thanks for the information. I really do enjoy getting some history of the places we visit but I just couldn't find anything on this...THANKS!!!

We have seen a few more churches with the black and white theme since this one but not the insides so this was fun to see. Yes, it must have been the "Style of the Day".