Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Loano, Italy

It was an overcast and rather dreary day so we motor-sailed (since the wind was on our nose…again) all day to Loano.  They are in the process of building a brand new marina and it is beautiful.  We actually got a finger pier which was our first in quite a while…no trip line to deal with. 

The next day we got up early to find our way to the Tourist Information office.  It is funny but we have found that the people at the tourist offices don’t speak very good English but we muddle through.  We got a city map and figured out the bus schedule to the Caves of Toirano.  The problem was there was only 3 buses a day and the first one didn’t leave until after 2pm.

IMG_1115 IMG_1114  We walked the beach boardwalk and through town.  We found a great pasta and pesto shop named La Cascina.  The people set us up with fresh pasta and the best pesto in town (see our new friend, the owner of the shop) for under 5 Euro.  We went back to the boat to eat lunch and change shoes (I managed to get a great big blister the size of a half dollar on both heels). 

We made it to the caves after a bit of bus confusion (it was 45 minutes late) but we had a very nice local Italian woman giving us the Si or Non for each bus that stopped.  These caves were discovered in 1950 and have footprints, handprints, and knee prints of Neanderthol humans from 12,000 years ago.  They also have cave bear bones from 25,000 years ago deep into the cave.  It is amazing how far the bears penetrated the cave to hibernate.  Very good tour if you are in the area!

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