Monday, August 31, 2009

Costa Blanca here we come

Our first stop in Costa Blanca was at Caserio de San Pedro. We got up early...sunrise actually (photo #1) and enjoyed a long day of sailing. We decided to try our first anchorage because it looked so inviting (photo #2). As we got closer, things just got more interesting. First, there is an old castle ruin on top of the beach area (photo #3). Then you notice that there are no roads leading here, only trails along the hillside. Then you notice that there are a lot of tents and a lot of nude people. Who can blame them, the beach looked awesome with white sand and turquoise waters. We still didn't have our dinghy motor out of the garage so there was no going ashore so we just sat on the back of the boat and enjoyed the people watching. Then came Antonio (photo #4) and his friends. There were five persons having a lot of fun in a motor boat and pulling a tube behind and going round and round our boat. They finally stopped next to the boat and introduced themselves and we invited them onboard. It was great talking to them and it helped a lot that Antonio spoke some English. He is a teacher of Nautical (mostly scuba diving) at a University. He sat and told us all about the beach area. He told us it was a gypsy camp and because it is not accessible by car, not too many police visit. He told us it was a big place for Europe's Most Wanted. He told us how it is a known drug area. Well, by the time they left we were locking ourselves inside the boat hoping for a nice peaceful evening. We got it and moved on in the morning.

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