Sunday, March 11, 2012

Jolly Harbour, Antigua

We moved up the coast a bit as soon as the winds let up.  We wanted to get into a marina for a few days to wash off the boat, top off the water and batteries, and enjoy just walking off the boat anytime you want.  This is quite the marina.  It reminded us of the ICW coming into the Harbour which is another Hurricane Hole.  There are homes with docks all along and it is VERY SHALLOW.  The marina sends help to tie up as it is bow or stern-to and pilings…no finger piers.  I think we have 5 lines out to hold us tight. 

Ashore there are gift shops, a book and DVD exchange, restaurants, a pool, a golf course, and a really great supermarket!  It costs about $50 USD per night plus electricity and water.  We went out last night all excited to play BINGO and have Happy Hour wings but there was only us and a few other people in the bar…no BINGO.  There is a very nice but run down looking Casino here but it is all closed up…pretty sad.  We wandered over to the beach yesterday and saw such amazing light blue…almost white water.


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