Sunday, March 18, 2012

Gustavia, St. Bart’s

Back to the land of the French and the rich and famous.  Oh what a sail it was from Barbuda…53 mile run using our assymetrical “BEAST” sail.  We saw another pod of whales of which we think are Fin Whales because of the dorsel fin we see as they surface.  And Jonathon caught and released another fish…this time a mahi-mahi.


Today we went to shore to clear in and clear out (since we will only be staying 24 hours).  It is very rolly in the bay and crowded too!  We walked to “Shell Beach” and as you can see they named it appropriately.  Aterwards we walked through town although most things were closed (back to the siesta thing).  That’s okay as it is mostly stores like Chanel, Cartier, etc. and out of my price range even with duty-free prices.


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