Sunday, September 18, 2011

Help me Ronda, help, help me Ronda

OK, so the song has nothing to do with my post other than our next stop was Ronda, Spain and we couldn’t help but sing our way there with that all too familiar tune.    After winding our way through the countryside we finally found our stop, Hotel San Gabriel, a quaint hotel in a back alley way.  You unload and then have to move the car to the Public parking Lot for the night.  It comes complete with its own cinema and DVD’s, including “Don Quixote”. 


Ronda is one of the most ancient cities in Spain and known for the origin of Bullfighting.  It is also known for the gorge cut through it by the River Guadalevin.  When you have a gorge, you need a bridge or two or three, the newest bridge (known as Puente Nuevo) was built in 1751.  It made for a spectacular dinner setting at a restaurant on the cliffs.

IMG_6149IMG_5975IMG_5989IMG_5991See the waterfall?

1 comment:

GregK said...

beautiful spot. Looks like a great place for dinner.

"New Bridge"? 1751? That's too funny