Pollensa is a very large bay surrounded by pine covered trees. We tried to get the anchor to hold over and over…at least six times before it finally dug into the weed covered bottom. Our Fortress anchor does NOT like weeds! Once the anchor was set, I went to work making some guacamole. I had to use all that Home Grown Cilantro soon, before it went to seed. It was a DELICIOUS batch! Our neighbor was the San Miguel boat which was out delivering FREE beer to a lucky few but didn’t stop at Jay Sea Dee…the Captain was waiting astern for his chance…maybe it was the scary headband . Gotta Love It!
The next morning we were awaken very early by the rolling and the anchor alarm so off we headed to the other side of the bay. It was a nice anchorage, that is until about 1am(yes, in the middle of the night) when the rolling and the anchor alarm was at it again. We tried to cross the bay again unsure why the winds kept drastically changing…nothing we saw in the weather report…and it was very dark outside. We tried and tried to set the anchor in the weeds that we were so unsuccessful at the day before. We did not want to take a chance leaving the bay in the dark with the high steep rock walls surrounding the exit. The Captain, using the radar to detect any other anchored boats, just went up and down the anchorage until daylight. Then all Hell broke loose. The wind was coming at us straight into the bay but we wanted out so we increased the RPM’s and headed out into 15 footers that were bouncing off those canyon like walls. We pitched and heeled further than we can remember but an hour later we were safely “out at sea”. Thank God for good ole reliable and strong Island Packets. It never occurred to me that I should worry about the boat in those conditions. The lighthouse in the Bay looks so peaceful…the day before!
And the one right outside the Bay:
All’s Well that Ends Well!