Saturday, May 1, 2010

We’re Back

Yes, we are back in France…Yee Haw!…or should I say Tres Bon.  We brought five huge suitcases packed full of clothes, American food that we can’t find here and boat parts.  I purchased the extra luggage allowance when I originally bought our British Airline tickets.  You get one free 50 pound checked bag per person and I purchased three more for $208 USD.  Then when we arrived at the gate we had to pay $50 USD more per bag because they weighed 70 pounds each.  But still this way was way more economical than shipping ahead via UPS or FEDEX.  They wanted up to $500 per bag to ship.  Thank God they all fit into our rental car.

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We saw the old “Concord” Trans-Atlantic Jet as we left Paris.  It took us three hours to get through Paris since it was rush hour.


As we drove to Gruisson, France we saw many bright yellow fields…we are assuming it is Mustard.  We also saw wind generator farms.

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One last item from our rental car adventure was re-fueling the car.  We know it takes diesel but which one is it?


So we spent today sanding the hull and polishing the chrome…until it rained…boo hoo.  Now off to Carrefour (the French version of Walmart).


Hayden said...

welcome back aboard, I look forward to following the stories. Hayden abroad Island Spirit 35

Traveling Worfords said...

Yellow Flowers could also be Rape Seed which Canola Oil is made from...It is everywhere here...We have had that problem where the luggage does not fit in the car...lucky there were only two of you...Looking forward to following your adventures...hope to join you...