Saturday, May 15, 2010

Defi The Wind in Gruisson

The last four days have been very windy and I guess that is appropriate for the festival this weekend. It is all about over 1,000 windsurfers getting together for a race to "Defi The Wind". John and I walked over yesterday afternoon but the activities had already finished for the day so we looked at the schedule and noticed the Big Race started today at 10:30. We were there and waiting for the Starting Horn to blow. The winds have been constant at 25-30 knots according to our boat gauge. I can't imagine holding onto a sail very long in that kind of wind. The start was phenomenal and then a few minutes later they were all out of sight. They had to go quite the distance and do it twice. The finish was by the sailboat which was anchored out but by the time the first finishers came in the windsurfers were so spread out that it seemed like a no contest finish.

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