Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ash Wednesday is still Carnaval?

Growing up Catholic, I was under the impression that Carnaval was over when lent started.  After listening to the music until 5am on Ash Wednesday I thought nobody could have any more “party” left in them…I was wrong.  We heard that there was more to come on Sainte Anne’s that night.  Wednesday night is when they burn King Carnaval and so the “she-devils” come out and the crowd dresses in Black & White.  I knew about the Black and White dress so I made the crew participate and they were glad to fit in.  The community builds the Funeral Pyre and as dusk falls they burn King Carnaval, also known as VAVAL.  Although the parade itself was small, the entertainment value was Huge.  Almost everyone got the dress code memo but there were a lot of he-she’s…see if you can spot a few in the photos.  The parade goes around and around and around this square block gathering up followers to march to the beat.  We joined them until deciding we should get a spot by the Funeral Pyre…then it down-poured and we headed back to the boat.  I don’t know if King Carnaval was ever torched that night so…BEWARE.


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