Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Barcelona: The Fun Stuff

Trying to put our paperwork dilemma to rest, we went out to see what all the fuss is about Barcelona. Our first delight was the Ramblas. This is a grand boulevard with everything going for it...people watching, outdoor pet store, the best food market around, street entertainers, artists, bands, and best of cars. (Find Jodi in the first photo...the one waving). We were surprised to see Chipmunks for sale...we could come up with a few hundred of those from home.
As you can see, someone bought themselves a hamster.

At the bottom of the Ramblas is the Columbus Monument and the Maritime Museum. The museum hosts The Royal Galley which is a ship for the Royal Family which was powered by humans...about 400 rowers whipped into submission.
The La Bouqueria Market is a food lovers dream...candy, fruit, fish, bread, produce, fresh smoothies, olive oils, cheese, legs of ham (Jamone), flowers, etc. Just walking around here is an experience in sight and smell.
We also visited the Picasso Museum which was free because it was the first Sunday of the month. There was a long line to enter although it moved very quickly. Once inside it was a bit crowded but we still enjoyed it very much. His "Blue" period really included a lot of"Blue" in his paintings. There was no photography allowed so I have no photos, only memories.

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